Palestina: Ad Portas de Crímenes Masivos

Segundopaso – La región de Asia Occidental, el Levante Mediterráneo, allí donde se ubica el milenario territorio de Palestina, está a pocos días de estallar en un enfrentamiento absolutamente desigual en materia de comparación en poder militar, que enfrentará nuevamente al pueblo palestino contra las tropas de ocupación y colonos extranjeros sionistas.

The aforementioned occurs in a struggle for survival, the right to self-determination and Palestinian resistance, facing 72 years of occupation and colonization of their land. An aggression where Zionism turns a deaf ear to calls from governments, international organizations, and political leaders to stop its policy of usurpation. Prepare your occupation troops, as you well know that the Palestinian people, its men and women will not accept a new annexation of their territory, to this falsely born entity that wields a fictitious history and that intends in this construction of myths, to make appear to the victim as a victimizer and the aggressor as attacked. Israel is an aggressor, victimizer, racist, away from all that image of appearing as that democratic model that it intends to sell.

Israel is no longer the victim of an already extinct ideology, which has served it for the benefit of seven decades of economic, political benefits and a crisis of conscience in countries such as Germany, which has already delivered 120 billion dollars (as well as Switzerland) to repair the crimes of National Socialism, which according to data provided by the research of analyst Norman Finkelstein (whose father and mother, of Jewish belief, were prisoners in concentration camps of the Third Reich) in his book “The Holocaust Industry” in 80% used these reparation funds to strengthen Zionist institutions and not for the victims.

The Israeli media intensify its campaign, falsely minimizing the scope of the Zionist civil-military regime’s decision to annex the Palestinian territories of the West Bank, specifically the settlements surrounding Al Quds, after the never respected green line that emerged after the 1967 war. and the territory of the Jordan Valley. The objective is intended to appease international denunciations, which even include sectors that have habitually been obsequiously silent in the face of the continuous violations of the human rights of the Palestinian people and the process of occupation and colonization carried out by Zionism since May of the year. 1948 to date.

I include in those sectors mentioned, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet, who declared that “Annexation is illegal. Final point. The idea of ​​annexation is illegal whether it is 30% or 5% of the West Bank. ” Bachelet asked Israel to listen to the voices claiming to stop this plan in violation of international law, including from its own former officials and generals “as well as numerous voices in the world not to continue on this dangerous path”

Television media such as channel 12 of Israeli television state that Defense Minister Benny Gantz will only take the annexation to the point of agreement established with his partner and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, if it has the support and international coordination, especially with the Egyptian regime and the Jordanian Monarchy. If this is not the case, Gantz will request to stop this stage of annexation of 305 and limit himself only to specifying it with a couple of settlements in Al Quds.

For this reason, the head of the Mossad, Yossi Cohen, was commissioned to visit some Arab countries to try to find out what his reaction would be to the idea of ​​completing the annexation of an important part of the West Bank. A few days ago he was in Jordan, in his capital Amman, where he met with authorities of this Arab monarchy, to whom he delivered a message from Netanyahu, stating that the annexation would be limited to some settlements, possibly the Zionist enclaves in Maale Adumim, Gush Etzion; Neve Yaakov, Gilo, among others, and who surround the Palestinian Al Quds (Jerusalem), Jordan, have warned that they will suspend the agreements established in the 1994 peace treaty “If Israel annexes parts of the West Bank, it would lead to a great conflict with the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. “

En septiembre del año 2019, en la campaña a la primera magistratura de un acorralado Benjamín Netanyahu (acusado por fraude, abuso de confianza y corrupción) el líder ultraderechista consiguió apoyo a su objetivo declarado de anexar tanto el Valle del Jordán como los territorios palestinos ubicados al norte del Mar Muerto. Sólo mencionó esas dos zonas. Tras comprobar que su idea no despertó mucho ruido en el ámbito internacional, comenzó a hablar de anexar los asentamientos, principalmente aquellos que rodean Al Quds. Su ambición creció al mismo nivel que su patrimonio personal por hechos de corrupción.

En un artículo publicado por Tovah Lazaroff en Jerusalen Post, esta analista sostiene que “sólo tras la promesa de Trump y su yerno Jared Kushner de apoyar la intensificación del dominio sionista en Cisjordania, al amparo del llamado “Acuerdo del siglo” (N.A que en verdad debe ser denominada La imposición del siglo) Benjamín Netanyahu comenzó a hablar de usurpar el 30% de Cisjordania en lo que se conoce como la zona C, surgida de los acuerdos de Oslo, y que representa en esencia el 50% de ella.

Medida que incluso ha generado cierto reparo en algunos sectores opositores a la coalición de gobierno y en medios como Haaretz, que ven con temor un alzamiento palestino, que cuente con la solidaridad de las sociedades del mundo, permitiendo iniciar una verdadera política de sanciones contra una entidad violatoria del derecho internacional.

Para los sectores extremistas de Israel, staunch defenders of total control of palestine, the way to fight against the critical opinions of this usurping process is to continue with its false narrative. This is expressed, for example, by Alex Traitman, managing director and head of the Jerusalem office of the Jewish News Syndicate, for whom “many of today’s critics specifically refer to as” annexation “falsely implies that Israel will cross a point of no return and You will take over a property to which you have no rights and which you do not currently control. However, what Israel is about to do is alter its own government structure and formally apply Israeli law to the 400.

The Israeli government has continued to force the planned annexation plan, ignoring all the voices that alert of a new intifada, a legitimate and necessary uprising of the Palestinian people in the face of these actions defined by the United Nations Organization (UN) as violative. of international law. Michael Lynk, UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Palestine,called on the EU to use its “economic weight, experience and diplomatic assistance, its trade and investments to impede Israeli plans. This, because the annexation planned for July will cause a notable worsening of the situation with human rights in the territory Palestinian and in the daily lives of millions of Palestinians. The international community, and in particular the European Union, must take joint measures to ensure that such a serious violation of international law is punished. “

According to Lynk’s statements, given to the media, “The United Nations has declared that Israeli settlements are the source of profound violations of human rights and humanitarian law against the protected Palestinian population in the West Bank (…) Currently, Israel has annexed de facto significant parts of the West Bank, and the adverse consequences for human rights are evident. ” Lynk, a profound connoisseur of the Zionist occupation and colonization of Palestine, has detailed that Israel’s annexation plan “will mean the confiscation and alienation of land, the violence generated by the Israeli settlers, the implementation of discriminatory laws, appropriation of natural resources and the demolition of houses. All this will cause labor exploitation, forced evictions,

Strongly echoed, too, is the warning from the United Nations special coordinator for the Middle East peace process, Nickolay Mladenov, who stated that “annexation could be met with anger, radicalization and violence, sending a dangerous message regarding futility of negotiations in search of peace. The risk of escalation has never been accompanied by such a distant political horizon, such a fragile economic situation and such a volatile region ”

It is evident that these Israeli actions will bring the logical and expected reaction of resistance from the Palestinian population, which increases the alert to all the countries of the region. The activation of Palestinian fighting militias, movements and organizations, both in Gaza and in the West Bank. The ambitions of the Israeli occupation over Palestine will not stop its passage, nor its actions in the West Bank, but affect the whole of the region, considering the occupation of the Syrian Golan Heights, the existing tension with Lebanon and the Islamic Resistance Movement. of that country (Hezbollah) with the al-Hashad al-Shabi forces in Iraq and in general with the Axis of Resistance, which is already located on the borders of historical Palestine and with thousands of missiles targeting the heart of the territories of Palestine historical.

We are a few hours away to see if Zionismhe will continue his decision to steal more Palestinian territory. Usurp what does not belong to him, continue with his expansion of the supremacist concept of Erezt Israel, even if his Hasbara, his media, his propaganda machine try to distort his expansion projects at the cost of the rights and lives of millions of Palestinians. We are just a few hours away from gauging whether there is any truth in the positions of denunciation and outrage of the Arab League, the European Union and the United Nations. Will they dare to sanction an Israel that commits these illicit crimes framed as crimes of war and against humanity? Will it be possible to join international efforts to punish the greatest criminal of the 21st century, such as the nationalist regime in Israel?

Israel with this usurpation project will ignite the spark for an explosion of proportions, all in a global framework affected by the Covid 19 pandemic, social tensions in the United States, Israel’s main ally, the international economic crisis and the transversal decision of the Palestinian people to confront this new threat together. Those of us who believe in justice, in the self-determination of peoples, in respect of international law, look forward to the fact that if this Zionist aggression comes to fruition, there will be a response, on all fronts, of such intensity that it forces the false regime Israel to seek out UN intervention, as happened in the 33-day war in 2006 against Hezbollah. This, considering that the only language that Zionism understands is that of force.

The hope is that a defeat of Zionism in the military field, its international isolation, a policy of sanctions under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, will be a reality and we can think of a 21st century with the elimination of the regime and the judgment of those who profess this criminal ideology and have committed crimes against humanity. An idea and a necessity, for the good of Palestine, Western Asia and the world in general.

Pablo Jofré Leal

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